Iroquois County: Election Notes ...

If you are not registered to vote, and wish to be, please call the Iroquois County County Clerk’s
Office at 815-432-6960.

A list of registrars and locations to register voters is available at the Clerk’s
office. You may also register at the County Clerk's Office, Administrative
Center, 1001 E. Grant St., Watseka, Illinois from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.,
Monday through Friday. Additionally, you may register to vote on-line. Our
website address is: . Click on the Paperless
On-line Voter Registration link and follow the instructions. Eligible voters
must hold a valid Illinois Driver’s License or an Illinois state issued
identification card.

In order to be eligible to vote at the polls for the November 8, 2022 General
Election, the last day to register in the County Clerk’s Office or with Deputy
Registrars is Tuesday, October 11, 2022. The last day to register on-line is
October 23, 2022.

94.1 WGFA