The City of Watseka received positive news (Monday). Mitigation efforts have come through, channeling funding for two programs helping the recovery from COVID-19 and mitigate future flooding. And Mayor John Allhands credits the extra effort from the city’s administrative Assistant Cathy Molck and building inspector Eric Brandt. The mayor said Molck did most all of the legwork in acquiring the $216,000 thru the IL-CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid Relief & Economic Securities Act). The funding supports the COVID recovery with money that won’t have to come from the general fund. Allhands gives credit to Eric Brandt for diligent efforts in satisfying FEMA thru the BRIC program (Building Resilient Infrastructure &Communities). Flood mitigation data had to be thoroughly reviewed to satisfy IEMA to pursue FEMA funds and gain approval for the city’s natural hazard mitigation plan completed earlier this year.
Allhands said the mitigation plan was necessary to even apply for the government help. The city, he said, completed the plan in about 8-months with support from an environmental company. The mayor added, the city pushed forward with its own natural mitigation plan in order to acquire funding since the Iroquois County plan has been outdated.
Then….there’s the CSR program --- Community Rating Service --- which is city is nearly complete on meeting requirements. It helps decrease insurance premiums for local residents required to have flood insurance. Alderwoman Monna Ulfers has led that effort to meet FEMA requirements.
94.1 WGFA