Watseka alderman, Garfield, makes bid for mayor's office in 2021

Mark Garfield says he has a vision for Watseka. And he wants people to know, as mayor he will see that vision through.

The 1st Ward Alderman announced Friday he will be a candidate for mayor in 2021. Garfield was asked why now, his bid for the mayor’s office ? “I believe this is my next step for personal growth, as a community leader.”

He points out that “Watseka is a great little town. It still has that old small town feel, it has a great school system and we have beautiful parks.” And as far as announcing this far in advance of the next mayor’s election, he said “I want time to talk to people to get their views and hear their concerns. Garfield also said I want to to talk to and hear from all the people, local citizens and business-people.”

Garfield is a near-lifelong Watseka resident. A 1986 graduate of Watseka High School, he joined the Watseka Auxiliary Police Department in 1995. He was elected to his 1st Ward Alderman’s seat in 2015. He points out he also serves on the Board of Directors for Neighborhood Watch and he’s ma former member of the Police Pension Board. He also served on the planning board for Watseka’s 2017 anniversary.

As mayor. Garfield said he plans to continue on the upgrades and improvements to the wastewater treatment plant, carry on with the separation of the storm and wastewater systems, update and repair the aging infrastructure and work with department heads ti improve city services.

At his announcement, Garfield also talked about flooding issues and holding the line on taxes.

94.1 WGFA