A weekend incident in Watseka had city police searching for at least two young women who approached two young children.
Watseka police issued an alert advising parents to talk to their children about safety measures. Police reported two young children were approached by two adult women who offered them money to come see their pets on Sunday.
Police received a call regarding suspicious individuals in the 400 block of South Fourth Street. It was just after 3 pm when the children were approached. The children went home and told their parents. The father went outside and saw the two women get into a blue Dodge Caravan that had three to four adults inside the vehicle.
Police said one of the women was described as having pink hair and the other as having dark brown hair.
Officers were unable to locate the vehicle or persons matching the descriptions given.
Anyone with information should call Watseka police at 815-432-2433. Emergency matters should be directed to 911.
94.1 WGFA