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Weather-related decision permits trucks hauling ag commodities to exceed gross vehicle weight limits, speed crop transportation Gov. Bruce Rauner today declared a statewide harvest emergency to assist farmers and grain handlers...

An early morning fire heavily damaged a Benton County home Saturday. It happened at a home on 109 South Fifth Street in Ambia, near the Indiana-Illinois border. Fire crews were called there around 4 am . Reports indicated three...

The attitudes and smiles tell it all, these days, at the Milford school. A new school building, state of the art technology, a spacious learning setting offering opportunities, and just a rejuvenated a learning atmosphere has...

25-year-old Tyree Johnston was booked in at the Newton County Jail in Kentland after leading police on a 4-county pursuit that ended in Hammond, IN (Wednesday). The pursuit ended after 90 minutes. Johnston was clocked at speeds...

A not guilty plea was entered in Kankakee Circuit Court in the case of Heidi Jones. She’s the second worker from the Good Shepherd Manor in Momence accused in the death of resident Charles McLaughlin. The 48-year-old Jones and...

KANKAKEE — A judge set bond at one million dollars (Thursday) for Father Richard E. Jacklin, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Goodrich. He was arrested by Illinois State Police Tuesday and charged with sexually...

— The American Red Cross encourages people to share their good health this holiday season by donating blood for patients in need. A decline in donations occurs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day when donors are busy with...

Last month was the eighth-wettest October in local weather history, with 6.31 inches of rain, nearly twice as much as the October average of 3.26 inches. It also was the wettest month of 2017, surpassing the 5.91 inches of rain...

– Farmers in Illinois are asking Gov. Bruce Rauner for a little help as they try to quickly wrap up this fall’s harvest. Because of a rainy spring and late rain this fall, there are still farmers in some parts of Illinois with...

A Pembroke Township man is under arrest for the Wednesday morning bank robbery at the Iroquois Farmers State Bank in Beaverville. 41-year-old Michael Chism is charged with armed robbery, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and...