Wreaths Across America event held at the Indiana Veterans Home

Nearly 1,600 cemeteries across the United States participated in Wreaths Across America Saturday. Events were held in Cissna Park, Danville and at the Indiana Veterans Home. The annual program honors thosed who have served and still serve our country.

American Legion Post 527 at Cissna Park, the VA National Cemetery at Danville conducted a wreath-laying ceremony Saturday morning. It was the 6th annual Wreaths Across America for the Indiana Veterans Home.

For the first time, Crescent City cemeteries became part of the Wreaths Across America program.  An overflow supply of wreaths were available, so five local men from Crescent City made sure veterans were honored locally. Wreaths were placed at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Fletcher Cemetery and Wilson Cemetery at Plato.

Volunteers placing the wreaths at Crescent City included: Richard Gocken, Klint Hall, Glenn Mennenga, Jim Soresen and Bill Weakley. 

Thousands of wreaths were delivered, some with a police and fire escort, prior to the ceremonies Saturday. Gold Star Moms proudly stated there’s a deeper message about this ….

"That we just never forget and this ceremony and this event today, we believe, is one of the most honorable things you can do to not forget. This is a way to pay it forward to other veterans."

"We love veterans so this is just a way to pass along their due. The communities support is so appreciated. The Moms say, we don't hear about because there's so many negative things. This is just one of those ways we can positively affect people and remind them to thank our veterans for their sacrifice."

94.1 WGFA