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During this struggling time with the COVID-19 pandemic, CARES ACT funding may be able to offer some relief.  If you're a person with a disability in Iroquois or Kankakee County, and you find yourself needing assistance...

May 18 is when tax statements will be in the mail in Kankakee County.  Treasurer Nick Africano encourages citizens to pay by mail, rather that walk into the office -- due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.   The first...

This year’s July 4th fireworks display and the symphony orchestra performance at Kankakee Community College has been called off. The popular event is yet another victim of the COVID-19 pandemic. The uncertainty of the crisis...

The BNSF Railroad is making repairs to the Route 113 crossing Thursday. The Illinois Department of Transportation announced the Route 113 crossing in Coal City will be closed for the one day. A posted detour...

               ...  but still better than last year ! This week’s USDA crop report shows little progress with spring planting last week – just too wet...

Iroquois County Public Health now reports 51 positive tests for coronavirus. Tuesday’s report shows new cases include: a male in his 30s, a female in her 30s, two females in their 50s and a female in her 20s. The county has one...

This year’s July 4th fireworks display and the symphony orchestra performance at Kankakee Community College has been called off. The popular event is yet another victim of the COVID-19 pandemic. The uncertainty of the crisis...

Strict guidelines will be place to meet social distancing, but the Harvest Moon Drive-In Theatre at Gibson City opens for the season this weekend.  The double-screen theatre is one of several in Illinois allowed to open...

More than ten fire departments responded to an apartment fire in the 600 block of South East Street in Gardner Sunday evening. Reports had flames coming from the rear window of the second floor apartment building. The fire was...

Sheldon firemen responded to a house fire Tuesday afternoon in the 100-block of E. Main Street. Food left unattended on a stove sparked the fire, which resulted in extensive smoke damage. No injury was reported. Firefighters from...