"Pride in Our Past ... Faith in Our Future." That's the theme for this year's July 4 parade in Watseka.
Registration forms are available at the Watseka Area Chamber of Commerce office. They're also available online at www.watsekachamber.org
The city of Watseka sponsors the parade. Awards will recognize the best farm entry, best religious entry, best commercial entry, best children's unit, best walking unit, best use of theme and best decorated emergency vehicle.
There is no charge to participate in the parade.
The children's coloring contest welcomes kids 3-7 years of age to enter their work. One male and one female winner will be selected to ride in the parade as Little Mr. & Miss Firecracker. Information is available at the chamber office and must be returned by June 24 to be included in this year's judging.
94.1 WGFA