CSX Railroad repairs to force road closures

Motorists traveling Iroquois County next week will want to be aware of road closures along the CSX railroad. Work crews will be upgrading crossings. Posted road closings will include detours.

The work is tentatively scheduled June 13th thru the 24th --- weather permitting.

The advance notice is important for emergency vehicles and regular public travel to allow for time considerations.

Area routes scheduled to get upgrade attention along the CSX route include:

County Highway 47 and Township Roads 245 and 253 in the Woodland area

Frederick Street, Lyle Street and Jones Road in Milford. Also County Roads 2200E, 1100N, 700 and 900N in the Milford area.

In the Wellington area – Main Street, First North Road, County Road 600N and Township Route 347A.

The railroad states several routes may be closed at the same time. Detour routes will be set.

94.1 WGFA