“Celebrating 75 Years Plus One 1945-2021.” That’s this year’s theme for the annual chamber awards in Watseka.
Watseka Area Chamber of Commerce plans to host its annual banquet September 1. The 5:30 pm event is at the Watseka Elks Lodge. The Chamber of Commerce awards for Professional and Staff Achievement are awarded. The Times-Republic also gives out the Citizen of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards.
Nominations are being accepted for the 2021 Professional Award and Staff Achievement Award.
Anyone interested in nominating someone for either of the awards can contact the the Chamber office at 815-432-2416 for a nomination form or go to watsekachamber.org.
Deadline for nominations is Friday, August 13. Nominations will be reviewed and selected by this year’s Annual Meeting & Awards Night Committee of the Chamber.
94.1 WGFA