Fair Queen contestants are invited to an informational meeting on Sunday, May 16. The Iroquois County Fair Queen Pageant Committee is gearing up for the 2021 pageant at the Iroquois County Fairgrounds at Crescent City.
Candidates must be single, never been married, and not have had a child. Contestants must be a resident of Iroquois County or have been a 4-H member in an Iroquois County 4-H club for a minimum of two years or have attended an Iroquois County School. There's also a requirement that the contestant must be a minimum of 16 years of age and not have achieved her 22nd birthday by January 1, 2021.
The informational meeting will be held Sunday May 16th at 5:30pm at Town and Country in Milford.
For further information or to rsvp contact Chris Schroeder at (815) 383-7090 or like the facebook page for information and updates!
94.1 WGFA