Active Shooter Training Planned in Watseka

The Watseka Park District is teaming up with Sorensen Wilder & Associates to offer an Active Shooter/Intruder Training Program in Watseka.  The training program invites businesses, schools and individuals to attend one of two sessions on Tuesday, January 17 at the Elk's Lodge.  Sessions will be held 8 am - !2 noon and again from 1 - 5 pm.

Park District Executive Director Sherry Johnson points out 'active shooter incidents have risen nearly 97% in five years.  The question ?  Is your workplace or school prepared ?  What about the hospital or long-term care facilities ? Is your place of Worship prepared ?  

Sorensen Wilder & Associates is a nationally-known, recognized source for training and putting a plan in motion.  Preparedness, understanding the challenges, dealing with the stress and anxieties finds Sorensen Wilder & Associates assisting with putting a critical program in place to protect yourself and those around you.

A $20 fee per-person if registered by January 10.  After that, a fee of $25.  Space is limited so early registration is recommended.  Contact the Watseka Park District for info 815-432-3931.

94.1 WGFA