State Agriculture Director Phil Nelson says despite the 'doom and gloom' many area farmers are singing about these days due to the flooded farm fields this year, there's still a lot to be proud of.
Nelson told a Watseka audience Saturday 'people don't always realize what the farmers produce; there's so much the economy benefits from when farmers produce.' That's the story –he said—that has to be told.
Nelson said "people forget where food and so many other products come from."
The Ag Director was in rural Watseka just a couple weeks ago, too. He talked then about the devastating results of the flooded farm fields. But he also said "we farmers have handled this kind of crisis before, and we'll work our way through this too."
Nelson said Iroquois and Kankakee Counties were hardest hit with the flooding. Damage assessments are still being compiled, he said, and the governor's disaster declaration for 23 counties will be looked at seriously.
The Ag Director was a guest at the Masonic Lodge Farm Show at the Big R parking lot Saturday. Several ag presentations were made, including a display of antique farm machinery.
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