The City of Watseka needs incentives to draw more people. There’s a need for jobs and businesses to attract people here. And some believe a strategic plan needs to be in place.
Some of the comments aldermanic candidates delivered at a Candidates Forum (Thursday) evening, sponsored by the Watseka Area Chamber of Commerce and the Iroquois County Republican Women’s Club.
Circuit Judge Michael Sabel served as moderator for the forum.
Ward 1 candidates Scott Muench and Chris Meredith seek the voters approval for the April 4 consolidated election.
The other contested race is Ward 4, the SE side, where current Alder-woman Yamei Rohlfs is challenged by Dale Strough.
Ward 2 Alderman Don Miller and Ward 3 Alderman Benny Marcier are unopposed for re-election.
Candidates Strough, Meredith and Scott Anderson are part of the ‘G.R.O.W.Ticket -- promoting Growth, Revitalization and Opportunities for the Benefit of All Watseka residents. The Ticket promotes a Vote for Change. The G.R.O.W. Ticket outlines a 12-point plan for voters review.
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