Bennett Co-sponsors Proposal to Help Schools Prepare for Emergencies

                                                             Bipartisan Plan to Help First Responders in Crisis Situations

In emergencies, seconds can mean the difference between life and death, especially when dealing with children. State Senator Tom Bennett is co-sponsoring a bipartisan plan to create detailed maps of schools to help police and first responders during emergencies. The maps could provide critical assistance to law enforcement and paramedics as they work to save lives.

“This will help our schools be better prepared when the unthinkable happens, whether it’s a weather emergency or violence against students,” said Bennett. “The ability of first responders to move and act quickly can save lives when tragedy strikes. This is a common-sense step we can take to make our schools safer.”

Often during an emergency, first responders may be inside the school building for the first time, making accurate maps and data critical to their efforts. The bipartisan proposal would provide grants to schools to obtain precise crisis response mapping data and provide copies to appropriate law enforcement and first responders to use during emergencies.

The proposal has been filed as Senate Bill 2577, which Bennett is co-sponsoring.

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