Business Emergency Preparedness Month

February is Business Emergency Preparedness Month for the Iroquois County Emergency Management Agency. All businesses, whether large corporations or small family shops, need to have a plan in case of a disaster. When thinking of how prepared your business is, consider the following questions:

 Do you have an emergency plan? If so, when was it last updated?
 Does your emergency plan include an evacuation strategy? What about sheltering in place?
 Does your facility have any safety equipment? If so, when was the last time it was checked?
 Besides cell phones and landlines, what communications does your business have?
 Does your plan address cyber security?

When businesses are prepared for disasters, communities are able to recover more quickly. Not only do local businesses offer essential services to the impacted community, but they also keep people working and keep the economy moving. Iroquois County EMA would like to offer local businesses in Iroquois County a review of their emergency plans. After reviewing the plan, EMA will provide suggestions for improvement and a certificate of recognition for striving to be a prepared business.

Visit for free planning tools, and contact Iroquois County EMA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (815) 432-6997 to have your business emergency plan reviewed.

94.1 WGFA