The political start-up for the 2018 elections is underway. Candidates filed early today (Monday) at the Elections Offices in both Watseka and Kankakee.
In Iroquois County – two candidates for Treasurer, one for County Clerk, and four for County Board seats.
In Kankakee County -- 14 Republican candidates filed for County Board seats, precinct committee seats, and for County Clerk. (Dan Hendrickson will seek the Clerk’s Office with Bruce Clark retiring).
Candidates filing at the same time (Mon) will be eligible for a lottery to determine top position on the ballot. Candidates filing at the last-hour on Monday, December 4, will also be involved in a lottery to determine the last position on the ballot.
The filing period for the March 2 Primary Election continues thru Monday, December 4.
94.1 WGFA