Christmas Cantata accepting participants

Directors of the Iroquois County Christmas Cantata are inviting anyone who is interested in being a part of the annual event to join them for rehearsals. All rehearsals are taking place at First Christian Church, 546 N. Sixth Street, Watseka, from 1-2:30 p.m. each Sunday and from 6:30-8 p.m. each Tuesday.

The cantata is open to anyone who would like to participate and no experience is required. There is a small fee for participants which covers the cost of music and CDs.

In addition to the adult choir, there will be a children’s choir. They are still looking for a couple of children in grades 4-6 to participate. If interested, contact directors any of the directors or show up at a practice.

For info: 815-383-9702

94.1 WGFA