Christmas parades all set...

Two youngsters have been named winners in the annual Little Mister & Miss Snowflake Coloring Contest.  And the winners will ride with Santa Claus Friday in the Watseka Christmas Parade.

Carmelita Hernandez and Tyler Hill are the winners, announced by the Watseka AREA Chamber of Commerce.  Carmelita is the 4-year-old daughter of Salina & Crucelio of Watseka.  Seven-year-old Tyler is the son of Matt & Christina Hill of Woodland.

The parade is set for 7 pm Friday evening. 

Bearcats Football team to be recognized at Milford Parade --

The newly-crowned Milford-Cissna Park high school football team will be featured in the 3rd annual Milford Christmas Parade Sunday.  It steps off at 5:30 pm.  The Bearcats were the 2018 8-on-8 champions in the initial season for the 8-on-8 competition in Illinois.  The team will be honored following the parade as well.

Nearly 40 entries are lined up for the Parade.  Miss Iroquois County Fair Samantha Hasselbring of Cissna Park will also ride in the parade.

The Bradley Christmas Parade on Broadway is Friday, December 7.  The Miss Merry Christmas and Master Jack Frost winners were announced.  Sixyear-old Addison DuCharme was named Miss Merry Christmas for the parade.  Nine-year-old Aiden Krause is Master Jack Frost.  Both will ride with Santa Claus in the 6:30 pm parade.

The Pride in Paxton Christmas Parade is set for 1:30 pm this Saturday.

94.1 WGFA