Clove Alliance Offers Combatting Familial Trafficking Workshop

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Clove Alliance invites community members to learn more about familial trafficking, a highly prevalent form of human trafficking by attending their upcoming workshop.

The workshop will be held at Kankakee Community College on Wednesday, January 24th from 10 am - 12 pm. CEU and PD hours will be provided. The registration fee is $10. Participants can register by visiting

Familial Trafficking is a hidden crime, happening within our local community. Almost half of identified cases of child trafficking begin with some family member involvement. Attendees will explore actionable and empowering solutions to become more aware and responsive to familial trafficking.

Featured speaker, Alicia Ley, serves as the Fellowship Program Manager at Survivor Alliance. Alicia has spent over a decade advocating for holistic, trauma-applied spaces to support survivors on their journey toward healing. Her passion for addressing systemic injustices and fighting for economic equity fuels her desire to unite survivors and allies in the anti-trafficking sector.

Clove Alliance provides hope and healing to survivors of sexual violence by improving the quality of services for survivors, assisting in their recovery, and working towards the elimination of sexual violence. To learn more about Clove Alliance, please visit

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