The fish will be biting this Saturday at Lakeview Park in Watseka and at Kellart Lake north of Cissna Park.
Area youth can participate in fishing derby competition.
as the Iroquois County Pheasants Forever, the Watseka Park District and the National Wild Turkey Federation host their 9th annual Youth Fishing Derby. It's at Lakeview Park in Watseka.
The fishing derby open to children 3-15 years of age will begin this Saturday, June 16 at 8:00 a.m. and run until 2:00 p.m.
The day will feature fishing, outdoor activities and a lunch for the participants sponsored by the Watseka Kiwanis.
The organizers of the event do request that adults not fish the pond at Lakeview until after 2:00 p.m. on the 16th, giving all of the children that participate in this event
plenty of opportunity to catch their own “big” fish. The fishing derby is free to all of the children that participate. There will be a cleaning station set up as well to clean and bag the catch of the day so that the fish are ready for the participant’s dining pleasure.
Registrations will be available the day of the event as well as on line at For more information regarding the Youth Fishing Derby contact the park district office at 815-432-3931. The Youth Fishing Derby is designed to be a family friendly event as well as an opportunity to learn more about outdoor sports and recreation.
At Kellart Lake at Cissna Park --- the Annual Cissna Park FFA Alumni Kids Fishing Derby is also Saturday, June 16.
Derby participants are limited to Cissna Park area residents ages 4 - 18. There is no entry fee. Registration is Noon 'til 1 pm. Fishing is from 1 'til 3 pm. Prizes are awarded in all age divisions.
For more info call 815-457-2042.
94.1 WGFA