Freshman Rep. Anthony files first bill

State Representative John Anthony of Morris (IL) filed his first bill this week aimed at cutting wasteful spending in Springfield. Under Rep. Anthony's legislation, salaries for certain part-time state boards and commissions would be eliminated entirely. Rep. Anthony stated that while this action alone would not solve Illinois' problems, it is a step in the right direction.

In all, 17 boards and commissions would see their member salaries eliminated under Rep. Anthony's legislation; members of the affected boards and commissions would still receive reimbursement for travel expenses related to State work. It is estimated that this legislation, if passed, would save tax payers around $4 million each year.

"I see this as the easy low hanging fruit that can be cut from the budget," stated Rep. Anthony. "I am actually surprised that after everything Illinois has been through, these types of salaries are still given out. I will dedicate myself to doing everything I can to eliminate wasteful spending and ensure your tax dollars are being used efficiently."

State Representative Anthony represents the 75th District which encompasses parts of Grundy, Kendall, Will, and LaSalle Counties.

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