The Iroquois County Soil & Water Conservation District is announcing its Fall Fish Program. Order are now being taken.
Delivery date is scheduled for Monday, September 17th at the local Watseka office at 8:00 a.m. SHARP! Channel Catfish, Albino Catfish, Hybrid Sunfish, Largemouth Bass , Triploid Gras Carp, Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, Redear, and Hybrid Redear are among the species available. Fish will be packaged at the office in oxygenated bags. Only those ordering the 2 large catfish sizes will need to bring some of their own pond water - for all others just bring 5 gallon buckets. If ordering Carp, there is a form that needs to be completed by August 31st. All other fish need to be ordered by Monday, September 10th. To order, or to see a complete listing, please call 815-432-6055 Ext 3.
94,1 FM, WGFA