Iroquois County hears cry for marketing plan

An Iroquois County citizen offers some views on the need for a positive marketing plan. It’s something often-commented about, but seldom pursued, he points out.

Gilman resident Bob Kramer told the County Board (Tuesday) it needs to market the good things we have here. During the board meeting’s public comments ….Kramer questioned why we don’t find ways to encourage people and businesses to locate here and stay here ? He referred to assets that Iroquois County has – let’s market us.

Kramer expressed his concern of Illinois and the local area’s decreasing population. New business opportunity and putting people to work is what makes good news.

On-lookers, afterwards, commented about the petty differences and nit-pick issues that too often surface instead of finding common ground and compromise to generate the positive.

94.1 WGFA