Iroquois County: Jerry Pintelon convicted of aggravated battery, aggravated discharge of firearm

                                     Re-trial brings same result

An Iroquois County jury (Wednesday) returned a guilty verdict against Jerry Pintelon for aggravated battery and aggravated discharge of a firearm. The 29-year-old former Watseka resident faces a 6-30 year prison term for the class 1 felonies.

Judge James Kinzer set sentencing for May 20.

The case stemmed from an August 2015 shooting in a residential neighborhood on E. Ash Street in Watseka. Pintelon, according to prosecutors, was agitated with neighbors when he fired a handgun at a group of people assembled in the front yard of his neighbors. Kylie Schwartz was hit three times, testifying for the state as a key witness.

Pintelon admitted being upset with his neighbors for party activity with alleged alcohol and drugs. But the defendant’s defense claimed someone else was the shooter.

{ “We’re certainly pleased with the verdict and happy with the service of the jury,” said Iroquois County States Attorney James Devine. "It was a long week, long week for everyone: the witnesses, the lawyers, the judge and certainly the jury, so we appreciate the service they gave to Iroquois County. ” }

Assistant S-A Alex O’Brien pointed to key witnesses during the trial. Defense attorney Ron Boyer tried telling the jury ‘poor police work, failing to talk to other neighbors, led to the wrong person being arrested.

The trial was the second go-around. A jury convicted Pintelon in May of 2018 for the same charges, while returning a ‘not guilty’ verdict for attempted murder.
But a judicial error, a mistake in the courtroom, led to a successful defense motion for a new trial.

94.1 WGFA