Iroquois: Economic Development Association available for business help

The state of Illinois has assistance available for businesses to upgrade and improve services. And the Iroquois Economic Development Association (IEDA) wants everyone to know about the Illinois Department of Transportation Economic Development Program. The program can assist businesses in Iroquois County with expansion and workforce development. The program provides state assistance for roadway improvements or new construction that may be necessary for access to new or expanding industrial, manufacturing or distribution type companies.

The focus of the program is on the creation and retention of permanent full-time jobs. Primary Program Requirements: ● The program provides 50% state funding for eligible locally owned roadways and 100% state funding for roadway improvements on state owned routes. The remaining 50% match must be provided by local government entities or private sources. ● IDOT-EDP requires creation or retention of permanent full-time jobs. Projects which only improve opportunities for future development or are speculative in nature are not eligible. ● Applicants must commit to job creation or job retention for a five-year period. ● Only units of general local government (i.e., cities, villages, townships and counties) may apply for funding*. ● Preliminary Engineering (PE) cost estimates must be completed prior to applying for or being approved for EDP funds.

The proposed project must also meet all State and Federal standards before construction begins. Funding availability includes: ● Preliminary engineering ● Construction ● Construction engineering Contingencies Funding is limited to $2 million and based upon the following job creation or retention requirements: ● $30,000 for every full-time job created ● $10,000 for every full-time job retained.

Questions can be directed to the IEDA at 815-432-0072.

94.1 WGFA