Iroquois Election News: April 4, 2017 reminder

Iroquois County Clerk Lisa Fancher is issuing public notice to the elderly and handicapped for the upcoming April 4 consolidated election. Those people not registered to vote, and wishing to be eligible, need to call the clerk's office at 815-432-6960.

Aist of registrars and locations to register is available at the local office.  Individuals can register at the County Clerk's Office at the Administrative Center in Watseka Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am 'til 4:30 pm. 

In order to be eligible to vote at the polls April 4th, the last day to register with the clerk or a deputy-registrar is Tuesday, March 7, 2017.  The last day to register online is Sunday, March 19, 2017.

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