Iroquois firefighters pay respects to retiring 9-1-1 coordinator, Nita Dubble

There’s been differences of opinions over the years, but professionalism is what emergency response is all about. And in Iroquois County, respect is part of the family of those who answer the calls.

The matriarch of that family is Nita Dubble – who’s carried the torch for so many emergency responders over a 38-year career. The 9-1-1 coordinator steps aside today (Friday) – retirement has come calling. But Nita is quick to recognize and say how proud she is of the ‘heart’ of the emergency response family that makes it all work .......

Sheriff Derek Hagen will assume the 9-1-1 coordinator’s post on an interim basis. Dubble’s assistant Sandy Drake will assume additional responsibilities. And the professional, dedicated dispatchers will carry on. Sheriff Hagen says the radio operators are all ‘experienced and qualified.” He says though, Dubble’s expertise and knowledge of the people under that emergency umbrella ‘will be missed.’

Nita Dubble transitioned from the State’s Attorney’s office to the radio room at the sheriff’s office, then took on the added role of a then-struggling 9-1-1 system trying to get off the ground......

Dubble’s priorities came into play in 2012 when a tornado hit her home. But she was quick to get to the 9-1-1 Center, first, to tend to the county’s needs before focusing on her own situation at home. Getting the county’s 9-1-1 system online was a Nita priority that came to be.

Now, Next Generation 9-1-1 is the newest technology that Iroquois County is ready for; and the knowledge of the ETSB Board is a must.........

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