The Watseka Unit Nine school district will soon be involved in a search for a new superintendent. The board this week approved a change in administration, at the request of Superintendent James Bunting.
Bunting will return to a building principal position within the district. The move will be effective for the 2018-19 school year.
The move “allows me to go back to working with kids at a more direct level,” Bunting told WGFA/WIBK News. “I’ve contemplated this for some time. This is my passion to be with the kids,” he said.
“This also allows me to remain in the Unit 9 district, in a position I truly enjoy, “ Bunting added. He expressed appreciation to the school board for allowing the move.
The principal’s post at Glenn Raymond Middle School becomes vacant at the end of the current school year. GRS principal Brad Welch is moving on, having accepted a position in another district.
Bunting said the vacancy opened the door for him to pursue the job he would really cherish, being with the students.
Bunting’s career with Unit 9 started at Glenn Raymond as a math teacher. After five years, he moved to the principal’s office at the school where he served 11 years before moving to Watseka High School where he worked as principal for 5 years. He’s completing his second year as superintendent.
The Unit 9 School Board approved the change in administration this week, following a special closed meeting. The board then approved a two-year contract for Bunting.
Bunting provided a letter he directed to faculty and staff members thanking hem for their “continued commitment to education.” He said he’s proud of everyone in the district for going the extra mile for our students.
He said he’s come to realize how much he misses the everyday interaction with students and the discussions with teachers about learning.
94.1 WGFA