Kankakee County ahead of the pack implementing the American Rescue Plan Act

A performance report of Kankakee County’s American Rescue Plan Act for 2021 was detailed (Tues) for members of the Executive Committee. The report, explained by the County Communications Director Jasmyne Humble, also reflects where the ARPA plan is headed in 2022 ……
"The first year set up the groundwork.  Now we'll be reaching more people and attending meetings for more community engagement," Humble explained.  She also reported, in researching other recovery plan performance reports.. Kankakee County is among those leading in the implementation phase while many are still in the planning stages. Several groups have received an appropriation so far. 

County Board Chairman Andy Wheeler said 2021 laid the foundation for the first year of ARPA, and allocations will continue until funds are appropriated……….
"Interim rules from the treasury have expanded, allowing for more spending opportunities, Wheeler told the committee. " Differences between the ARPA fund and the Lost Revenue Fund will benefit for opportunity in the county and in municipalities."

ARPA was established by the federal government in 2021 to support recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic. Kankakee County introduced its response initiative in July to plan and guide the allocation of its ARPA funds.

Iroquois County has distributed funds to the Eastern Illinois Mutual Fire Aid Association, the Iroquois County Sheriff’s department, and the Ford-Iroquois 4-H Foundation. Another ARPA committee meeting is Friday, February 4 at 9 am in the County Board Room in Watseka.

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