Kankakee County is making national news, filing a lawsuit, in the battle with opioids. And the case is likely to generate more plaintiffs.
The law firm of Simmons Hanly Conroy filed a lawsuit (Tues) on behalf of the county which contends pharmaceutical companies and physicians have used aggressive and fraudulent marketing of prescription opioid painkillers, leading to a drug epidemic in the county and throughout the nation.
Simmons Hanly Conroy states in a news release, this lawsuit is focused on consumer protection and mass tort actions.
The county is seeking damages for its claim that they say is ‘aggressive and fraudulent marketing of prescription-opioid painkillers. The county claims to spend millions of dollars to combat opioid use by consumers.
Kankakee County State’s Attorney Jim Rowe isn’t shy in saying local elected officials and taxpayers have been forced to shoulder the expensive fight.......
“We’ve decided it’s time to hold these defendants accountable for their misconduct,” Rowe said.
There are similar lawsuits filed in New York, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
State Treasurers have also urged more drug companies to help fight opioid issues. The coalition of state treasurers, including Illinois, Pennsylvania, W. Virginia and California, have written letters to drug companies seeking greater accountability by the pharmaceutical firms in the wake of a spiraling opioid crisis.
Illinois State Treasurer Mike Frerichs stands behind the pressure being put on the drug companies...
“It’s about better education, more knowledge is needed,” Frerichs told 94.1 WGFA News. “These are about pills labeled non-addictive years ago and that’s not the case. These companies have to reform their practices.”
Kankakee County, on Monday, held the first of three public forums on the opioid and heroin crisis that’s led to 44 overdose deaths since December of 2016.
94.1 WGFA