Kankakee County treasurer's office mailing tax bills

May 18 is when tax statements will be in the mail in Kankakee County.  Treasurer Nick Africano encourages citizens to pay by mail, rather that walk into the office -- due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.   The first installment will be due by June 24 and second by Sept. 3. 

“We have arranged with our internet payment partner to allow citizens to pay their taxes online via Echeck without any fee,” Africano said in a news release. “Additionally, taxes can be paid via mail, dropbox at 189 E. Court St., and at local banks, regardless of whether you have an account. These payment methods mostly preclude face-to-face interaction and, as such, are the safest ways to pay this year, he said.

For more information, visit the treasurer’s website at kankakeecountytreasurer.com.

94.1 WGFA