Kankakee County Clerk Dan Hendrickson released vital statistics for Kankakee County for 2022. As of January 4, 2023, there were 1,223 births registered in this county for 2020. This is 45 less than were registered in 2021.
The most popular names for boys were Noah, Walker, Bennett and William. The most popular names for girls were Olivia, Isla, Layla, and Madison. More children
were born in the months of August and December (121) in Kankakee County than in any other month in 2022.
The County Clerkâs Office issued 520 marriage licenses in Kankakee County in 2022, 11 less than in 2021. The oldest groom was 84 years old, the oldest bride was 78. The youngest bride and groom were both 18 years of age. June was the most popular month to get married.
There were 1252 deaths in Kankakee County last year, a decrease of 140 from 2021.
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