Latest Local COVID Numbers

As of 12/23/2020, there have been 1,909 confirmed cases and 309 probable cases of COVID-19 in Iroquois County.  There has been a total of 15 new cases since their last update.

As of 12/23/2020, Kankakee County has 10,451 confirmed cases of COVID-19. There have been 85 new cases since their last update on 12/22/2020. Kankakee County has 146 COVID-19 related deaths. Kankakee County also has 5,148 recoveries. There are 5,157 active cases 35 hospitalizations. 1632 people have been vaccinated

As of 12/23/2020, Ford County Public Health Department (FCPHD) is announcing 16 new cases. Ford County has a total of 1,156 cases. Of those, 695 are confirmed cases and 461 are probable cases. There has been a total of 33 COVID-19 related deaths.