Line the Streets to Honor SGT Jeremy Sherman on Friday

The casket for SGT Jeremy Sherman is scheduled to arrive at Midway Airport on Friday at noon.  The community is requested to “line the streets” after 1:00 PM from Gilman east on Highway 24 though Crescent City to the Knapp Funeral Home in Watseka.  Arrival time in the Gilman/Watseka area is anticipated shortly after 1:00 PM due to the high speed escort provided by the Illinois Highway Patrol.

An “avenue of flags” of about 2,000 US 3x5 foot flags stretching 8 miles will be set up from south Crescent City on Highway 24 to Knapp Funeral Home.  Flags will also be set up at Trinity Church in Watseka.  Meet at Trinity church at noon.  All volunteers are encouraged to bring working gloves, wear face masks, use hand sanitizer and employ other coronavirus precautions.