Local issues for today's election...

Kankakee County has a ballot loaded with contested issues, including local county seats, a state representative race and state's attorney contest.

In Iroquois County, there's just a couple of contested matters.  The races were all decided in the March primary election.

Iroquois County Board District 1 has three seeking two seats, Chad McGinnis, Michael McTaggart and Mack Berry are on the ballot.

Iroquois County Board District 3 finds four names on the ballot; two to be elected.  Charles Alt, Marvin Stichnoth, Dustin Wells, and Charles "Butch" Hartke all appear on the ballot.

Iroquois County voters are also being asked to support a quarter-cent sales tax on limited items to support law enforcement.

The marquee race in Kankakee County has state-wide interest.  For the 79th Illinois House seat, Kate Cloonen is challenged ty Lindsay Parkhurst.

The race for State's Attorney features Ed Glazer against Jim Rowe. 

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