This year would have marked the 90th birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Monday's federal holiday honors the civil rights leader with celebrations, prayer and events that commemorate his life and works.
The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Foundation has events scheduled this weekend. Saturday is an open hosue at the Kankakee Public Library from 10 am 'til 1 pm. Children's events are planned with games a a movie. A Gospel tribute is Sunday at 4 pm at the Greater New Hope Baptist Church in Kankakee.
The annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast is Monday from 7:30 'til 9:30 am at the Quality Inn in Bradley. The Ecunemical Service is at 10 am Monday at Mount Calvary Baptish Church in Sun River Terrace.
Dr. King events are also planned in Danville and Champaign.
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