Watseka...On Saturday, April 26, Senator Jason Barickman, Representative Josh Harms, and Watseka Mayor Bob Harwood, hosted a very successful recycling event that resulted in a turnout of over 1,500 cars dropping off recyclables. The event, which officially began at 9:00AM, was a success from the very start, as environmentally dedicated participants lined the street an hour in advance.
Rep. Harms said, "I am so grateful to all the wonderful people that made this event happen for our community. When you think about all the volunteers, and all the local participants, it is no wonder we collected over three truckloads of items to be recycled."
Such a large turnout resulted in the need for two extra semi-trailer trucks to be called to haul all the items away in addition to the Local Boy Scouts collecting 3,475 pounds of paper and magazines and the Sheriff's Department collecting several bags of unused medicine.
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