Residents asked to let water trickle...Bitter Cold temps

The extreme cold has municipal officials asking local residents to prevent water lines from freezing up by allowing taps to stream. The City of Watseka and ERH Enterprises recommends customers to let a stream of water the size of pencil to run from a single faucet.  The suggestion is to do so until the bitter temps pass.

Dangerous wind cills remain in effect until at least noon Friday. 

The wind chills make it feel like 25-30 below zero. Fristbite on exposed skin can happen within 30 minutes.  Health officials suggest you check on neighbors and elderly citizens to make sure they have proper heat. Pets should be protected from the extreme cold.

River Valley Metro Bus has also extended FREE bus rides during this cold pattern.  Feel free to jump onboard and use the buses as a warming center.

Community leaders are also asked to open up public biuildings, if possible, for use as a warming center.

94.1 WGFA