The River Valley Metro bus system and other downstate transit systems are on the verge of filing a lawsuit against the Illinois Comptroller for monies owed.
Illinois owes the Metro bus system $3.7 million. And if it’s not paid soon, the RVM operation may have to shut down before Thanksgiving.
That word comes from River Valley Metro Manager Rob Hoffman. He said “that’s not what we want to happen, but without the funding we’re owed the system can’t operate.”
Hoffman tells 94.1 WGFA News, the state’s been holding up tax money that’s ours since January. Hoffman said the local system is owned $3.7 million. Other downstate transit systems are due some $135 million.
Asked if the Comptroller has responded, Hoffman said “we’re told transit is not a priority.”
RVM held a special meeting Tuesday to address the issue. The Board directed Hoffman to file the lawsuit. Shutting down the system, Hoffman says, would be a disaster; “too many people depend on mass transit; it’s their only transportation.”
94.1 WGFA