Special Saturday Hours for Early Voters in Iroquois County

The Iroquois County Clerk’s election department will be open Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to noon for early voters. Registered voters who would like to vote before the March 20 General Primary Election, may come into the County Clerk’s Office up through the early voting deadline, Monday, March 19th, to cast their vote.

In addition, if you are not registered to vote or if you have moved and need to change your address, you may do so during this time and vote in the office at the same time (grace period registration). Anyone that would like to register would need to bring two forms of identification with them, one article needs to show their current living address as well as a mailing address, if that is different.

The County Clerk’s Office is located at 1001 E. Grant Street in the Administrative Center in Watseka. Telephone inquiries regarding early voting should be directed to the County Clerk’s office at 815-432-6960 each weekday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.