State Competition for County Fair Queens this Weekend

Iroquois and Ford County Fair Queens are geared up for state competition this weekend in Springfield. Seventy-three County Fair Queens will be on stage at the Crown Plaza Convention Center for the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs State Queen Pageant. The event is Thursday thru Sunday.

20-year-old Jakki Mowrey of Milford is the reigning Iroquois County Queen. She was crowned last July at the local fair in Crescent City. Jakki is the daughter of Jon & Tracy Mowrey. She’s attending ISU majoring in Sociology.

17-year-old Gracelyn Greenburg will represent the Ford County Queen. She’s the daughter of Kelly Reitz and Matt & Kristi Greenburg. Gracelyn is a senior at PBL High School and enrolled in the CNA Health Professions course at Parkland College.

Representing the Georgetown Fair in Vermilion County is Brylie Smith.

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