‘Take Back the Night’ in Watseka tonight

It's time again to take a stand against sexual violence. The 3rd annual 'Take Back the Night" event this (Wed) evening Watseka is asking advocates, survivors and supporters to come together.

ISAS – Iroquois Sexual Assault Services welcomes the public at the First United Methodist Church at 6 pm.

Kami Garrison is ISAS Prevention Coordinator. She tells 94.1 WGFA "this part of a nationwide initiative to show support of victims and survivors. The hope is that people come together to show support and understanding."

ISAS clients, bravely, share their stories to kick-off a short walk to promote the educational initiative.

ISAS Legal Advocate Joelle Connor-Nelson says 'Take Back the Night" includes brave survivors who are not afraid to share their experience.

"A short walk in downtown Watseka to let the community know we are taking a stand against sexual assault," Conner-Nelson said.

Additional info is always available, as are Crisis Hotline Volunteers. Contact the ISAS office in Watseka at 815-432-2779 OR the KC-CASA office in Kankakee at 815-932-7273.

ISAS also promoted Sexual Assault Awareness Month with its Clothesline Display Project. Laundry items have been on display outside the Courthouse in Watseka. T-shirts on display represent healing for some – MESSAGES REPRESENT THE IMPACT OF SEXUAL ASSAULT ON THE COMMUNITY.

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