A new proposal in Watseka calls for a water/sewer rate increase of 50 percent rather than the earlier-proposed 75%, then another 25% next Spring.
The finance committee is now proposing the 50% hike, to lessen the impact on local taxpayers. The newest proposal came Tuesday evening. It calls for the 50% increase beginning November 1. The full Council could consider a vote on the proposal later this month.
Alderman Mike Marcier has concerns for the people out there really struggling. Similar concern comes from Alderman Dennis Cahoe .......
Cahoe and Marcier even talked about a 35% increase to start.
It’s been made clear, a rate increase is a must to make improvements to the system for the future. The city is also still contemplating a sale of the water/sewer system. Aqua Illinois has offered to buy the system for $10.5 million. The city could also continue having ERH Enterprises manage the system under contract or taking the system back and operating it with its own city employees.
Whatever decision is yet to come, the rate increases have to happen, according to Mayor Harwood.
94.1 WGFA