Following up on an earlier committee vote, the Watseka City Council this week voted to increase water and sewer rates.
A graduated rate hike begins May 1st and will increase each year thru 2016. The City Council voted 4-2 in favor, with aldermen Mike Marcier and Tim Mathewson casting No votes.
Marcier had suggested discussion and a plan before implementing an increase. Mathewson said the increase is going to be difficult on too many people; adding the times isn’t right for a rate hike.
Former alderman Tony Laucius calls the rate hike another tax people are already paying. He also questions why a tax continues on a bond issuance that’s already been retired ? He said a bond was issued years ago to build the city’s water treatment plant. That—he said---was supposed to end when the bond was retired.
94.1 FM, WGFA