The 18th Annual Indian Showdown at Pontiac was yet another great weekend for the Watseka Warriors Marching Band. Watseka brought home a 1st Place Class A title, winning first in Colorguard, Percussion and Winds.
Class A competition included the likes of bands from El Paso, Ridgeview and Tri Valley.
This year’s competition for Watseka High also saw the band take 1st Place at the Washington Panther Invite, where the squad also claimed top honors in Class A competition with Best Percussion and Best Colorguard.
The band is under the direction of Director Erik Parmenter.
More to come --- competition picks up again October 7 at Danville High School for the Viking Invitational. Two more competitions in October include performances at the U of I October 14 and at Effingham October 21.
Community support is also appreciated. The Marching Warriors take the field at all home football games at Blake Field. Summer parades also feature the Warrior Band.
The Marching Warriors are led by drum major Anthony Payne. Gary Schumann is percussion instructor and Sally Parmenter serves as colorguard instructor.
94.1 WGFA