Watseka to celebrate 150th anniversary

The city of Watseka is celebrating its sesquicentennial early in June. A weeklong celebration is set for June 8 – 11th with several events and activities planned.

The city was established in 1867. The upcoming celebration—Ryan Bell --- tells WGFA listeners, will be special ..........

Bell is a member of the 150th planning committee. He says it all starts on Thursday June 8th ..........

An opening ceremony is at 6:30 pm June 8th. It’s followed by Family Movie Night at Lakeview Park, across from Watseka City Hall on Brianna Drive.

Move Night is made possible thru the Watseka Area Chamber of Commerce.

{“The Secret Life of Pets" will be shown at Lakeview Park }

A free “Teen Dance” is at Riverside Specialty Parking Lot along Route 24-E.Friday, June 9th, beginning at 5 pm.

Saturday, June 10th events include Kids Games at the First Trust Bank parking lot downtown Watseka 12 Noon ‘til 4 pm. Lakeview Park also has a Kids Fishing Derby from 8 am ‘til 2 pm. And more musical entertainment at the Riverside parking lot at 7:30 pm.

Sunday events include a Petting Zoo at the Old Courthouse grounds and the RC Demolition Derby starting at 10 am at the First Trust parking lot.

94.1 WGFA