There was no looting in Watseka during the recent flood. In fact, Watseka Police say they were pleased with the actions of people in the community, most of whom obeyed the laws.
Police are trying to clear up misinformation that has been circulating in the public. Rumors had several houses looted during the flood. A press release states 'police assure the public there were no reports of houses being looted. The Watseka Police Department received no such reports during the flood.
Police did receive some reports of criminal activity that occurred during the flood period, however none were tied to any flood victims.
Watseka officers did write several tickets for disobeying traffic control devices, which were barricade violations, but police were pleased with the actions of people in the community who obeyed the laws and followed the curfews that have since been lifted.
94.1 WGFA