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The Hoopeston City Council (Wednesday) gave its unanimous approval to the fiscal year 2015-2016 budget. Revenues are listed at $2,613,000 while projected expenses are at $2,417,000. The city's Tax Incremental Finance (TIF)...

A two-vehicle crash Wednesday morning killed a 45-year-old Momence man. Sean Hensley died after crashing into an oncoming semi on Illinois Route 1 near Grant Park. Illinois State Police reported Hensley was southbound on Route 1...

White County Sheriff's Police in Indiana report a former White County pastor has been arrested on charges of child molesting. 45-year-old James Crawn of Idaville was arrested Wednesday by sheriff's police. Sheriff Pat Shafer...

Bradley police reported a 36-year-old man has been arrested trying to lure at least three young girls in exchange for money. The alleged actions of Ronald Caburnay was done thru social media. He's facing 11 felony counts which...

A newly-approved ordinance in Watseka finds local water bills being increased. The monthly fee will be hiked from $1.75 to $2.50 per month. The fee is expected to cover the maintenance of the water towers. That maintenance...

The Kankakee County Board's finance committee voted Tuesday in favor of paying for a new county jail security system. The $69,300 cost...according to Sheriff Tim Bukowski...will be a savings in the big-picture. That's because he...

The Kankakee County Board's finance committee (Tuesday) voted to established a special subcommittee to oversee the county's spending. Five board members will serve on the subcommittee, which will focus on reducing nonessential...

Car vs. Semi Crash at Illinois Route 1 at 11000N in Kankakee County has closed a section of the highway. It happened just before 6 this morning. Route 1 at 9000 N to 12000 N Road is currently shut down due to this...

David Hansen recognized for 24 years at Central #4 School boards conduct reorganization meetings this week. In Watseka, the Unit Nine School Board welcomes back incumbents Kirk McTaggart, Bob Burd, and Crystal Blair. They're...

The Vermilion County Coroner's Office has identified a motorcyclist killed in a crash near Ridge Farm Monday afternoon. Coroner Peggy Johnson says the victim is 51-year-old Michael E. McNeese, who was pronounced dead at the...