Kankakee County votes ‘No’ banning cannabis sales in unincorporated areasKankakee County votes ‘No’ banning cannabis sales in unincorporated areas

A close 13-12 vote bans the sale of any cannabis sales in un-incorporated Kankakee County. That was the end result of the issue after discussion by the County Board last evening. The rare evening meeting at the Kankakee Public Library stirred comments both Pro and Con. The Board’s vote is now part of the record and would require a citizens referendum vote to reverse.

Several Illinois communities and counties have been debating the issue to allow or ban cannabis sales at dispensaries when the new state law kicks in January 1. Those approving will gain sales tax revenues. Opponents believe illicit sales will lead to problems for law enforcement.

County Board Chairman Andy Wheeler refers to numbers that analysts provide, indicating Kankakee County could generate $200 - $300,000 dollars in revenues. That figure varies depending on where other dispensaries might locate.

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